Gainax Twinkie Conspiracy
I'd like to warn the reader now that this is the FIRST Evasource article I ever wrote. It is retarted
to a point where its actually funny. I revamped it a bit to fit the new layout. Whatever you do
don't stone me for this, I WAS YOUNG GOD DAMN IT!
It has come to our attention here at Evasource that there is in fact a revelation so frightening, so mysterious, so erotic that the public must be informed. All eager Eva fans die to see the cool looking Eva units, the action, the magnificent storyline, and of course the woman of the series. But is there an ulterior motive for the lack of clothing worn in the home environment? Common sense tells us that they wear items such as underwear and very short shorts around the house because it is "hot". But is that really all there is? Is it? Or is it actually a hypnotic message to create a mind-wrenching craving for twinkies?
Notice that two characters in particular create hypnotic messages undistinguishable to the regular eye. Observe the picture to the right. In this snapshot, we can see Misato in a very short pair of shorts. Perhaps she was hot you may say again. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't. Place your mouse over the image
to discover what they didn't want you to see!
Caught by our super advanced video monitering equipment, we picked this snapshot fly across the screen for less than half a pico second.This, however, is enough to corrupt the mind of an anxeious Eva fan. Just as most fans were doing during this episode, this frame caught my attention while gazing at Misato's beautiful legs. Were her shorts mearly a ruse to make avid fans stare at her legs while they battered their minds with images of twinkies?
The picture to your left is the gracious "after shower scene" of Asuka. Many a weary fan would say that she had not a chance to change yet, thus she was in a towel. I beg to differ. What the untrained eye did not see was another hypnotic message. Caught again by out super advanced video monitering equipment, is the frame that they didn't want you to notice. Float your mouse over the image and behold! Note how the oversized twinkie-like object blends in perfect with Asuka, creating fluid animation. Towel or no towel, Asuka is showing a little more than fans need to see.
Should you feel the sudden urge to eat a twinkie, I want you to pause the episode and close your eyes for 2 minutes. Hooked on Hostess Syndrome. The brief screens witnessed today may occur during partial nudity and/or skimpy clothing scenes throughout the series. Are Gainax and Hostess in cahoots? More importantly, are twinkies and short shorts in some way related?