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![]() The Evasource Guide to Guestbook Flames As anyone who takes the time to glance at our guestbook may notice, Evasource and its members are the constant targets of numerous flames and insults of varying brilliance and degree. Given that these posts actually form a significant and entertaining portion of our guestbook, they're clearly worthy of our time and attention; without further introduction, then... The Evasource Guide to Guestbook Flames! Updates at the bottom. --- Fuck this site. LiquidSnake I'm actually uncertain whether this was posted by Liquid himself as a joke... or by someone cleverly signing himself as "LiquidSnake." It's probably a joke. --- Whats the point of having a domain and all this shit about evangelion if u arent gonna put anything cool on it u probably dont becuause u know nothing u pathetic dick heads Our first blatant flame. Kind of generic. --- HEY FUCK YOU CUNTRAG. I KNOW MORE ABOUT EVA THAN YOUR SORRY SEX DEPRIVED ASS DOES. WHY DONT YOU SHUT THE UTTER FUCK UP AND GO BACK TO JACKING OFF, YOU CLEARLY CANT HANDLE THE COMPLEXITIES OF ACTUAL HUMOR ON THE INTERNET LiquidSnake YO WHAT THE FUCK, YOU FUCKIN SHIT. IF YOU WERE LOOKING ON THE INTERNET TO FIND SHIT ABOUT EVA THEN IT'S PRETTY DAMN CLEAR YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT EVA, SO FUCK YOU. FUCK YOUR WHOLE FAMILY, SHIT HEAD. YOU FUCKING PUNK, YOU CAN'T EVEN FUCKING SEE US, GO BACK TO JERKING OFF TO YOUR MOM'S FUCKING SEARS CATALOGUES AND SHIT. YOU FUCKING HATER, WE FUCKING HATE YOU AND HOPE YOUR RELATIVES DIE. YOU LITTLE FUCK. Moogleprnz IM SO FUCKING PISSED IM POSTING AGAIN FOR NO REASON. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR FAMILY, FUCK YOUR NON-EXISTANT GIRLFRIEND, FUCK YOUR PET(s), AND FUCK YOUR GOD DAMN COMPUTER. YOU UTTER WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT ILL FUCKING KILL YOU SHUTUP YOU FUCKING COCK SUCKER. IM GOING TO RAPE THE FEMALE MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY AND FEED THEM TO FUCKING GOATS AND SHIT. YOU WANNA SEE THAT?! MAYBE YOU CAN JACK OFF TO IT YOU PANSY ASS FUCKING LOSER. YOU THINK NONE OF THIS STUFF IS COOL!? FUCK YOU AND DIE YOU UTTER PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT. YOU CLEARLY ARE ILLITERATE OR JUST PLAIN FUCKING DUMB. ILL RIP YOUR DAMN BRAIN OUT BECAUSE YOUR CLEARLY NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO USE IT YOU DUMB FUCK LiquidSnake YO WHAT THE FUCK YOU SILLY BASTARD? WE FUCKING OWN YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCK, DO YOU HEAR ME? I HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS SHIT BECAUSE WE OWN YOUR PRE-PUBERTY ASS YOU FUCKING DICKWIPER. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT, YOU WIPE DICKS, YOU SICK LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER. FUCK WHATEVER FUCKING RELIGION YOU BELIEVE IN, FUCK YOUR GOD(S). FUCKING FUCK. SKLJDFLKG MDFG FDLKGJLDF I'M LITERALLY BASHING THE KEYBOARD BECAUSE I'M SO FUCKING PISSED OFF AT YOUR STUPID ASS BADMOUTHING THE SITE. SDFKLJSDLKFSDF SDLKFJDSKLFJSDFKJDSKL SDLKFSDL YO FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. GO TO FUCKING HELL, FUCKING DIE AND SHIT. I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU LIKE A FUCKING AXE MURDERER AND SHIT. Moogleprnz ...No comment is necessary. --- you guys are lame stupid site, stupider ppl and stop signing your own guestbook, fags At two flames, Bluesnooze is one of our most prolific flamers; this is his first signed work. His deep respect for us is obvious. --- oh btw dumbasses: throwing around a whole bunch of 4-letter words doesn't automatically make you funny. i've laughed harder staring at a blank wall than reading your sorry attempts to be funny. you guys are obviously silly boring white boys or something. get a fucking clue. bye Bluesnooze takes time out of his undoubtedly busy schedule to teach us what humor is in his second, and apparently last, post. Although he incorrectly judged us to be "silly boring white boys or something," he knows what he's talking about; his reference to "staring at a blank wall" is clearly hilarious. Thank you, Bluesnooze... with your help, we'll certainly get a fucking clue! --- What are you, like 10 years old? The index page clearly says if you don't find us funny, get the utter fuck out. You probobly jack off to a blank wall too so I don't feel any regret in losing a vistor like you. LiquidSnake Hey, 7-year old, if you don't like the site then stop spamming the guestbook, that's our job. Moogleprnz The responses of Liquid and Mog. Note how Bluesnooze actually gets younger for no apparent reason. --- lol mann karthik haha nice website lol... but haha i just read the guestbook... mann u guyz curse way too much geezzz haha calm downn. lol ok i'll talk to u later... nice page... byee... Someone, assumedly Liquid's friend, tells us we curse too much. Shut the fuck up, you fucking piece of shit. --- Holy shit guys... I was sucking this guy's dick, and he blasted his load into my mouth just as I was swallowing! I swear it was the sweetest thing... you've gotta try it! Let's meet this weekend, ok? Our flamers get more creative, going so far as to sign themselves under Liquid's name. In retrospect, the ruse was brilliant; between myself and Mog, we couldn't immediately determine whether or not the post was real. --- Oh my god.. there are two LiquidSnakes. Gosh darn I didn't think anyone could hack our wonderful guestbook and do such a thing. LiquidSnake Liquid exhibits some classic sarcasm. --- I am fond of the penis. Someone, for no apparent reason, details his habits. --- I like the penis a lot too, especially the long ones that erupt like a salty river after I've sucked the hell out of it. Actually I LOVE penises... I didn't pick the name "LiquidSnake" for nothing, you know. LiquidSnake The false Liquid strikes again, going into wholly unnecessary levels of detail. No doubt inspired by personal experience. --- It disturbs me that people have the time to act out their fantasies, hetero or otherwise, in a random guestbook on the internet. Even more disturbing is that they've apparently chosen Liquidsnake as the central figure in their twisted fictional world perspective; why anyone would proclaim that he sucks dick in a guestbook and simultaneously pretend to be Liquid while doing so is beyond me. Platypus 3333 My own response, which was later mocked as well; that post was deleted, given how easy it is to sound like the smartass I am. --- Yeah, these mother fuckers clearly have nothing better to do than spam the guestbook of a site they don't even like. LiquidSnake Liquid points out the obvious; that our flamers are losers. However, he wrongly assumes that they do not like Evasource. Only true fans can possibly have the dedication necessary to repeatedly sign our guestbook. --- you are all dumb, you know Someone in the United States informs us we're "all dumb." Not the most creative of flames. --- I love Eva, it is my favorite anime of all time! I like the battles and all the funny parts in it, and especially Asuka and Misato, they are both so hot wow! I think I have watched Eva almost 4 times, and I will probably watch it again soon. I can't wait to get the movies! Your site blows, it is a stupid piece of shit you fucktard. Eva forever and ever! A mildly original flame by a fan called Ken, who cleverly conceals an insult within several layers of praise for Evangelion. Shit, Ken... you sure fooled us! --- shut down this web site u mother fucker it disgusts the truth meanin of anime. stop this mother fucker fucking funless low class jokes. go find some fucking life dun try to reply me i'm not goin to come back again. fuckhead This fan actually did in fact "come back again," posting the same message enough times during our time at Otakon to turn the guestbook into a bloated 2 MB file. For those that aren't aware, that's a lot of text; our entire current guestbook is less than one percent of that, coming in at around 15 KB. Clearly this individual went above and beyond the call of duty, repeatedly loading and posting in our guestbook; God knows just how much time and effort that took. I can confidently say that this is our greatest fan ever, and it's times like this that we're proud to be Evasource members. This one's for you, fuckhead! --- man what a bunch of crap you guys write, thanks for wasting my time Anytime. --- All you motherfuckers are gonna pay, You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we find you fucks who are making this site, we're gonna make u eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then make u eat ur shit which is made up of our shit that we made u eat. After that we're shutting the crap down. Love, EVA is the worst Anime I ever watched. Liquid Snake and his sidekick are jackass. A couple of stoners who spout dumb-ass catch-phrases like a third rate 'Cheech and Chong''Jay and Silent Bob' or 'Bill and Ted'. Fuck u guys. Fuck u up ur stupid asses. Love, Jay andSilent Bob rule u dumbasses Currently the most prolific flamer, albeit not a horribly original one. Having simply stolen and mangled lines from a movie, Daredevil has yet to realize that quantity is just not the same as quality. Given time, I can see Daredevil rising to greatness; just not anytime soon. --- Your site sucks mother fucking ass, go to hell with Kaji. Can I be in your Guide to Guestbook Flames now? This was inevitable. --- if their stuff wasn't weak and lame, they woulda kept updating with fresh stuff. too bad though, guess they figured it out finally. An avid reader attempts to explain our lengthy absence; ironically, his very flame contributes to an Evasource update... thus invalidating his argument. A pity. --- Yes they are good, but they don't seem to be around any more. Too bad really. Someone actually sees fit to defend us. --- hi idiot. their shit sucks, obviously. fuck you very much. A vehement response to the previous post. I'm not sure, exactly, what "fuck you very much" means. --- Their shit is fine. Find a different site if you don't like. No point in signing a guestbook of a site you don't like. Kris does it again. --- hello http://www.freeadult2000.com/boys/ WTF?! --- Your saikano reviews suck... seriously USA A very basic flame, made unique by the addition of an assuring "seriously." And to think we thought it was a joke. --- ur anme reviews r getting stupider make some sense plz Remarkably nonsensical. A more unoriginal webmaster would take this flame and criticize it on the basis of spelling and grammar; however, such cheap blows are frowned upon here at Evasource. --- prince of tennis sux saikano sux bring on the hentai Chikun strikes again, brilliantly specifying which anime reviews he has issues with. Thanks for your input, Chikun! Keep reading! --- i love this site, i really do, u need to update it more. I actually read ALL the content(YES, i read everything, except for the reviews n shit). The guestbook flames are funny as fuck. i read that shit twice. the fucks that post here are so utterly stupid its hilarious. anyway, I wanna be on the guestbook flames guide, but i didnt flame you, so u know what FUCK YOU, I HOPE YOU FUCKIN GET RAPED BY A DRUNK OLD GUY WHILE WALKING DOWN AN ALLEY AND HAVE YOUR COLON RIPPED APART AND GET INFECTED AND YOU WILL DIE A FUCKIN HORRIBLE PAINFUL SLOW DEATH, ALL THE WHILE THINKIN... "GOD ITS GOOD TO BE GAY AND GET FUCKED UP THE ASS" there, i flamed your motherfuckin asses, now put me in the fuckin flamebook or whatever. It should be noted at this point that reading all the content on Evasource is probably not a safe thing to do. --- yoshiko you are obviously a dumbfuck with shit for brains and this site sucks The guestbook posters start fighting amongst themselves in earnest. --- dude u are obviously a loser. this shit is good. you are a boring tea-sipping checkers-playing motherfucker to think otherwise. and im not a loser. so go back to jacking off to your cartoon porn, since ur gay self would never have a girlfriend yoshiko ... --- Dude, calm down. KRis attempts to mediate the growing conflict. --- Dude, i'm calm He's calm. --- Do you enjoy sniffing stillborn babies? Do you? Alouais Not a true flame, though I generally categorize posts of this nature as "what the fuck... why?!" posts. --- jeck http://www.sexual-boys.net/bo/ Disturbing as it may be, the Evasource guestbook is apparently developing into a forum for various sexual deviants to come out. --- Anyone going to Otakon this year?? It can give us a chance to beat the shit out of all the flamers (and fans). Mog (yes, that's actually him) decides to aggravate people for no apparent reason, starting off what will likely be a long flame war. As previously stated, Evasource rules. --- i think you'll find yourself quite outnumbered by the "flamers" and besides... I could take you alone.. even though im not a flamer ^_^ No comment. --- YO IT'S ON. Clearly, "it" is now on. --- Phone Sex Another remarkably unnecessary "WTF...W?!" post. --- FUCK MY PUBES ITCH. I WAS JERKING OFF INTO ONE OF MY SOCKS AND I FOUND OUT AFTER I BLEW MY LOAD THAT IT WAS ONE OF MY FUCKING OLDER BROTHER'S DIRTY GYM SOCKS. WHAT THE FUCK!! EXCUSE ME WHILE I TRY TO DISINFECT THIS RASH THAT'S GROWING ON MY NUTS... SHIT Yoshiko (assuming that this is not really him) becomes the first non-Evasource person to have his name violated in the guestbook. --- hello i from the u kraine in the mutheland is theokoton good in us yes? Neither a flame or even a true "WTF...W?!" post, this poster distinguishes himself through my sheer inability to understand what he's trying to say. But Otakon rules. --- this shit is the shittiest shit ever to shit a shit. whoever shit this shit out i gotta say: you're shit. you're not the shit, or any shit, you are just a shit's shit with shitty shit on your shit webpage. Simply brilliant. --- This site attracts assholes, no offense. This conclusion is horribly incorrect. Evasource only attracts fans! Who may be assholes. --- I know... it's so awesome... Someone understands. --- you guys are homos.. Apparently not having enough fun yet, Mog inexplicably decides that he'd enjoy reading more flames. --- Moogleprnz is just pissed because he didn't get to suck my dick twice. I was sore, bitch, you should've eased up on your first round of giving me head... fucking left tooth marks, you animal ;) It's continually astonishing just how vivid the imaginations of certain posters can get. --- Yea.....um.. Almost my exact reaction. --- if u actually take the time to impersonate me and create long stories of your own homosexuality, i must say, you have no life... peace out This is not Mog. --- uhh was the person in the last post trying to imitate me? what the hell is going on.. ... --- hrm looking at the guestbook entries... looks like evasource is made by fuckers, for fuckers. fuck you all, bye Another adoring fan joins the growing Evasource family. --- well..I just read the flame page for the first time~ and..i must say....uh..wow...u sure attract many creative (fucked up?!) people to the anime community..love what u did with the meaning of evangelion...very choice..anyways..i just wanted to sign and say..fuck y'all..suck my dick..and..eh...lick balls! A horribly blatant attempt to get into this guide... which succeeded. --- u'll have to excuse me for my previous vulgarity..i would like to correct my self by saying..fuck y'all..suck my dick..and lick "ASS!" (ahh..yes...) The previous poster amends his error. Note the creative and utterly pointless use of quotation marks. --- EVAsource is a bit like a soap opera...................yea.............Now to bomb Saddam! While not a flamer, GWB gains distinction for being the first guestbook poster (with one notable exception) to break the five post barrier. At the time of this writing he appears to be going for double digits. --- Wow,, this is a great site,,, I am glad I found it,, and will be back to check up on everything,,, wink wink,,, Cassie Mog's favorite poster, for reasons that may be fairly obvious (see below). --- you guys are going to grow up into losers hahahahaha Why, thanks for informing us hahahahaha. --- thank you our loyal fans! especially the one with the phonesexmania.com link.. why can't all of you lame fuckers be that useful!? Moogleprnz ... --- Uh, yeah hey Karthik listen I know we don't really like each other all too well but seriously when the fuck are you going to kill Jarret and Sean Plant? You were soo right about how gay they are with each other. Those fags are getting really annoying, especially during Wind Ensemble how can someone be such an asshole and be proud of it? Oh and the site is pretty cool the guest book is hilarious... Oh yeah, what's up with Street Fighter's AKUMA on top of the web page? With these, a friend from Liquid's dark past makes his horrifying appearance. Especially notable is the reference to "Wind Ensemble." --- i'll tell you why.. because Akuma is the shit and YOU ARE NOT. Moogleprnz No comment. --- I think you guys are kinda fags yourself. Stop fooling yourselves long enough to realize that. A helpful poster casts light on our massive conspiracy of self-deception; the observation would've been revolutionary if it had been any way accurate. How tragic. --- Your site is pathetically unfunny. Oh, and Platy's work on pretty much everything is a sorry waste of effort. This post mimics the structure of an earlier compliment we received. Not too creative. --- OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO CLEVER. Moogleprnz Eh. --- Love the layout of the site. Check my site when you have time: http://www.exoticphonesex.com and http://www.bikini-pictures.org Marcelo phone sex guestbook reccommends this site highly as it is a great and funny site! 5 stars we give it. Frankie What's a phone sex guestbook? Anyway I think this site is great too! 5 stars from me as well! Chrissy We get quite a lot of these. --- Good god. I made the mistake in reading Rao's profile and found out that you guys do still have this site (now with a fancy smancy domain). Wow. The rampant insanity. I almost miss it. It makes me remember the days when I had a lame website (yeah, that one...). Aside from the actual infrequent updates, it was fun bashing the gustbook/forum flamers there as well. You just don't get to do that that often without a website that offends the masses. Anyway, yeah, umm,... hi. Eh, yeah, again. Was checking out the Lain FAQ (it's been years since I've gone through your... content). The whole "nExt" thing with the funky capitalization. As you all know, the animators/whoever else are all computer geeks, nerds, and whores. It's a spin off from NeXT, a defunct computer company bought out by Apple long ago in the 20th century. Several of the funky file browser screenshots throughout the series are from NeXTSTEP (and lots of Mac themes, too, but regardless...). So, yeah. nExt = reverse capitalization of NeXT. Bam. The red letter E is also from NeXT. Eat it, chimps, I know more than your combined knowledge for once. Another poster fails to realize we actually don't care what he knows. --- http://duvx.com/book.php?book=phonesex http://senac.com/forums/1310/ Cool site! Sal Love your website Debbie More links to phone-sex websites. --- fuck. gu abgwa u shlagnksd I assumed, perhaps mistakenly, that these were all by the same poster. Not particularly noteworthy. --- Well since my >Fuckingmy shitFuckfuckfuckthis shitFuckingThe shitfuckingthe god damnstinkingshitlike hellfuckthis Fuckingmath< ja ne! Oh yeah, hail the mistress of hidden meaning! I don't really grasp this one. I'll assume it says "Evasource is the shit." --- WOW LOVE YOUR SITE ! LOOKS REALLY PROFESSIONAL :) Susan WildSusan I really just want to say hi, and that I love what I see here. and that I just love loving,, hehe,, Charity Charity http://geocities.yahoo.com/gb/view?member=bgreen68 http://geocities.yahoo.com/gb/view?member=bgreen68 Yet more phone-sex ads. Porn marketing campaigns have apparently hit a new low. --- The only thing that sucks worse than this site is the pole-smokers who run it. Obviously the best part of their gene pool ran down the leg of the chimpanzee that raped their mothers. You guys are fucking assclowns. You can just tell this one took some thought. --- Barely Legal Girls ---> 1-888-934-2223 or 1-900-484-2453 Big Breasted Chicks ---> 1-888-346-4843 or 1-900-993-8190 Pee Fetish ---> 1-888-718-2938 or 1-900-329-7171 Female Dominatrix ---> 1-888-868-8433 or 1-900-526-7253 Kinky Shemales ---> 1-888-546-4864 or 1-900-678-3225 Foot Fetish ---> 1-888-465-8637 or 1-900-745-4711 Lesbian Lovers ---> 1-888-921-2468 or 1-900-263-0800 Horny Gay Boys ---> 1-888-250-6253 or 1-900-745-0844 Dominating Gay Masters ---> 1-800-440-1102 or 1-900-745-8755 Black Bitches ---> 1-888-214-3825 or 1-900-745-0965 Asian Whores ---> 1-888-272-2264 or 1-900-993-0525 Submissive Sluts ---> 1-800-574-5170 or 1-900-435-5495 Big Sexy Women ---> 1-800-454-7769 or 1-900-435-3555 Up-Skirt Fetish ---> 1-888-876-2264 or 1-900-993-8841 Latin Babes ---> 1-800-760-1730 or 1-900-484-2968 Shaved Girls ---> 1-800-547-0848 or 1-900-446-0011 Pregnant Babes ---> 1-800-574-4569 or 1-900-526-3208 Mature Ladies ---> 1-800-293-9377 or 1-900-435-5380 >> >> >> http://www.senac.com/forums/4055 http://www.senac.com/forums/4055 ...And, surprisingly, even more phone sex ads (this will be the last batch given attention). Evasource takes no responsibility if you dial these numbers. You perverts. --- Your reviews suckv We appreciate this kind of honest, constructive criticism. --- Wow, I caught your guestbook first, and I thought "They must have a pretty risque site." Then I had a looksee around, and you know what? Some people need to calm down. I don't know what everyone is so riled up about, but I haven't seen anything to offend my delicate sensibilities yet. I did notice that many of your... nastier patrons neglect grammar and spelling an awful lot (Such is the nature of the flamer) which leads me to believe that many of them come from -or are still in- American public school. Since the US doesn't seem to be producing many people like me anymore, I'd like to quietly remind everyone that America was founded on the principals of free speech. That means all you gun-toting, squirrel shooting, beer guzzling red-neckies get to shut up whilst the intelligent minority state their opinion in relative peace. Now shoo. Hey Kuro_K, shut the fuck up you self-praising stuck-up fuckwad. Koru_K you keep talking and how about the gun-toting, squirrel shooting, beer guzzling red-neckies put a couple rounds in your face! Give me a shank and a baseball bat and i'll show your monkey ass public school! Punk bastard. Your mommy probably took your fragile ass out of public school. That must be why you find it neccesary to make your self feel special on the guest book. What a loser.... If your sheltered ass would have went to public school you whould have found out that we find this shit funny as hell, so go to hell. Bitch made Shitpacker. Two (or more) Evasource fans engage in a minor skirmish. If I interpret this correctly, the poster of the second rebuttal fails to realize he and Kuro_K may very well be on the same side. --- Just like Eva, I am a woman with resources. Tina A phone-sex ad with a reference to (assumedly) Evangelion. Given that, what in god's name does this post even mean? --- I second that, you guys are a bunch of lazy asses. What the hell are you guys doing? Isn't it time for a goddamn update already? Maybe a new fantasy fight, Asuka from Eva (where else) vs. Ryoko from Nadesico. More new stuff!! We're working on it. --- my friend told me about this site and yall guys rock I hope you guys live forever this but do yall know this alucard(from hellsing) is dracula spelled backwards just thought yall didnt know. metal head I hope to hell this is some kind of joke. --- The free ass kickings sign was mine. The tall thin guy with glasses had a please make out with me sign and a please hug me i am desperate and lonely sign. I was the larger guy with blue hair next to him who was asking for trouble. With me was an even larger guy and two kitty girls. I got bored and was annoyed with all the free hugs signs. So i decided to improve on it. I was standing at a corner the entire con i was just waiting for this is otakudom to begin. was should read as wasnt in that last sentence. An Otakon attendee discovers our articles. It is entirely possible he is attempting to threaten us. --- kid with the sign... if I ever see you again, I’ll beat the living shit out of you, then continue to kick your ass for wasting my fucking time. What an effective use of time, standing around with a sign. You really showed everyone didn't you. LiquidSnake The responses to the above post. In his first post in a year, Tempest demonstrates what a real threat looks like. --- I am a girl and I see why this site i so constantly visited. It is becouse of the voilen nature. Did any one say love kiss sex... Yes Crap! I like your responds they made me cry out of laughing. I like you but you guys are all probably looosers and never touched a womans .... . So to end this this site is funny i like it but it is made by lame guys. (End don't respond "welcome to the team" becose you think taht every one that reads your site is also lame")Kisses and bye bye! That being said, welcome to the team. --- So you're a girl... I'm not sure whether you were guessing or can clearly distinguish... I am quite certain I wouldn't be able to tell. Yes, my violent nature does seem to entertain, while at the same time, concealing the fact that I am not lying and do in fact plan to beat the shit out of each and every one of you dim-witted fucks. Your English sucks. You are a fucking hideous mess of shut the fuck up and deserve to die. To put it all nicely, fuck you and welcome to the team, bitch. chi, even though i've never met you (and never will) you seem like an obnoxious bitch that nobody likes. well, bitch, add me to that list!! Responses to the above. --- Thanks i knew you would like me:).By the way if you would live in Poland your English would also suck and why does every body here love Eva so much yes it is a good anime but there are also great anime like Hellsing-My fovourite.Chobits-cracks me up.And also Full metal panic-Action and laughing i like it.Oh you also put me on the flames guest book but i havent ofended you.Strange.....YOU PROBABLY LIKE ME MORE THEN IT SEEMS.HEHE Chi returns. --- DON'T FLATTER YOURSELF-HEHE LiquidSnake fuck Poland, fuck your opinions, fuck your mom, and fuck you. No comment necessary. --- Yea..Poland does suck. Anyone for Polish sausages? A random fan decides to contribute. --- Shut the fuck up! If you would learn history you would probably know that Poland lived many wars and we are better then you becouse you are probably American "God bless America" and all that crap.Yes why not blow up Irak we have nothing to do....oh and they have the oil fields hmmm...fucking cowards!!!Why not fight Germany or Great B..Becose you would lose you fucking cowards!OH! and if you like fucking mothers so much why don't you fuck yours? She is closer then mine ohh.. but you probably don't whant to becouse she is to FAT SLOB BITCH like all American "Bad-up im sory tht's FAT ASSES" Now go to Mc Donalds and buy a Hamburger you will stop crying.Love you byby. Chi's ranting begins to lose all sense of comprehensibility. Apparently an internet conflict between the United States and Europe has just been initiated in our guestbook. --- Somebody tell me what she just said. The only thing I gathered from her previous post was that Poland was weak as shit and something about her mom being featured on phonesexmania.com. Tempest's response. --- Poh-Ley-Ush!! Now, all this crazy Polishness just has to stop. While there are a lot of things wrong with them, they're not all bad. For one, their language is quite funny to hear. It's all like "Schtukel!" and stuff. I mean, Schtukel! It's such a crazy word! One of my friends is 1/8 Polish. He's quite the silly bastard, as he well knows. That's right, even Polish people like to make fun of themselves. Now, as far as waging war is concerned, I'm not sure, but I do know one thing about Polish people; they can dance like no tomorrow! fuck all you pansy mother fucking polish dicks. all poles should die horrible bloody deaths just for being dumb stupid poles. i hope poland sinks into the ground and goes straight to fucking hell, and all the dumb poles get raped by satan one by one. fucking poles Poland is PoopyFace in Poopy. You PoopyFace ahaqhahahahahagahahah. Evasource fans begin to bash Poland. --- Um... two ugly girls dancing like retards huh? I'll have you know, I was one of those girls. I have two things to say to you, mister I'm pissed off at anyone who wants to have fun at Otakon-- FUCK. YOU. We may have been retarded, but we were just having a fun time trying to get people to open up. Sure, some of the people up there sucked, but the point is they went ahead with it and had a good time. Not all of us can be fucking Utada Hikaru. We were there trying to get people's spirits up and not be bored out of their bloody minds while they waited for the next self-conscious person to come up and half-assedly sing beacuse no one really cares. We just wanted to bring some cheer. We know we can't dance worth shit, and y'know what? We're proud. We had fun, and if you have a fucking problem with that, then deal with it and continue to live your boring, funless life. -Serenity Winner, a.k.a. Excel An Otakon attendee manages to locate our site and takes offense; she decides to retaliate by using a lot of profanity and implying we do not like to have fun. Ironically, she's called "Serenity Winner." --- I do have a problem with the fact that two ugly fat ass bitches thought to entertain a crowd by a means other than undergoing lyposuction surgery. And if by "continuing to live my boring, funless life", you mean nailing you to a tree, in a reverse crucifix position, and beating your face in with a lead pipe, I would gladly do so. Lastly, I have two things to say to YOU, whores who probably still don't comprehend, why it is we find your 'dancing' particularly offensive-- LOSE. WEIGHT. Tempest Don't kid yourself. No one liked you. I can safely say that you ruined Otakon karaoke for the large majority of the normal people there. I was getting pissed just looking at you ugly girls. Glad you found our site, have fun reading. LiquidSnake okay well first off, it's understandable that not everyone can be utada hikaru.. but at least try not to be ugly fat slobs that try to dance but end up horribly jiggling in places i never knew existed on the human (IF you are human, i couldnt really tell) body.. also i feel bad for the poor sap that was trying to sing with you 2 fatasses dancing in front of him/her.. the jiggling must have been hypnotic. Moogleprnz ... --- well, I am not an ugly fat chick,,, infact, I am a thin chick with a bad attitude. and,, sexy pictures.. so there you bunch of crybaby maggots. Andrea. http://www.phonesexsation/andrea.htm and, http://www.ezsluts4phone.com if you dare,,,,, Andrea A remarkably relevant piece of phone sex spam. --- The fact that you danced like that disgusts me even if your fake ass pictures are hot. LiquidSnke Liquid makes a mistake. --- It is very disparaging when the head of a state acknowledges he gets head from fat chicks. And enjoys it. Well son, I'd have to say you go back to your own 3rd world country and suck a polish sausage!! Fat girls suck....no seriously, they suck, pretty good too.. Evasource fans demonstrate their fascination with fat girls. --- Just making it known that kissing ass does not necessarily keep you off my hit list. In spite of that minor detail, keep it up. Tempest sums up our reaction to every single good response we get. --- This site suck ass. I feel so fuckin stupid for having had come here. I found practically nothing on Alucard, or Hellsing. You people are probably just some fat 45 year olds, with no girlfriend or life. Why don't you just die and save the real people some tax dollars. Brandy Someone with a horrible looking website and nothing better to do than flame better looking websites suggests we have no life. --- http://www.geocities.com/bendycunningham/friends_page.html Need I say more? LiquidSnake While you're completely wrong about us being 45 and not getting laid, I do have to give you props for your own site. It surely blows ours away. Keep up the good work. LiquidSnake Enough said. --- Listen, you fucking idiots. You shouldn't even have a Hellsing page. You DISGRACE hellsing with your bullshit. Your characters page is the most useless piece of crap I have ever read. You call the character Fergusson "The General Who's Name Doesn't Even Matter" which is obscene, because he is the only Human who Celes Victoria actually seems to care about. And you include random people that have no relevance to the storyline, such as "Scum That Wants to Become a Vampire But Gets Eaten Instead" and "Random Guy That Wants to Get It With the Hot Looking Female Vampire In Tight Leather Clothing". You need to shut down your site immediately and stop disgracing Hellsing. Fuck off Many of these issues have now been addressed at our Hellsing site. --- Had you bothered to actually read our site or the rest of the character profiles you'd realize how much more we respect Hellsing than you do (IE bashing a Hellsing site). LiquidSnake Starting from this point onwards, I will no longer comment on member posts unless they are especially noteworthy. --- ...or fucking die... tsukasa Tsukasa here deserves credit for getting to the point quickly and effectively. --- Was that last comment a threat? In all seriousness, I'll fucking kill you. --- rutgers is a piece of shit school with stupid idiot students. example: http://www.ls3.net As this does not apply to me, this post is not my problem. --- There is no denying there are slow-witted faggots on this campus... and too fucking many at that. However, these shit heads represent neither us nor the rest of the heterosexual Rutgers population. If you ever mistake us for any such individuals, I will personally fuck you up. Now, sit down on black dick and shut the fuck up. --- Look on the bright side, at least you boys are young and have the rest of your lives to make up the time you wasted making this sorry piece of shit non-funny non-entertaining lame excuse for a website. This helpful Evasource fan is a true beacon of light during this dark period of our lives. --- Hey look on the bright side.. at least you have better things to do than posting in our guestbook. Oh, wait... LiquidSnake --- Isn't kind of sad that there are so many threats going on in this guestbook. I mean, it's sad. Who cares if people hate this site? Fuck off if you don't like it. EVAsource should just delete this thing. Go do something better with your time like dieing. I actually responded to this one. --- It's actually more interesting to post in our own guestbook than actually write articles for the site. LiquidSnake I think you fail to realize just how entertaining we find this guestbook. Platypus3333 --- Platy: it's so simple some dyslexic fuck could literally realize it by accident. Hello, I couldn't find your e-mail or I would of siad this there. But you A Dyslesix are normaly have an higher IQ then the rest so you should chose a different term. Love A Dyslesix anime fan. Again, I responded to this one. From this point on, posts I respond to in the guestbook will not have commentary. --- Well, judging by your spelling and writing abilities, you DON'T have a higher IQ than the norm. I guess you're just one of the stupid ones. Platypus3333 Not to mention Platy's email is on everything he writes on the site as well as the updates he makes. LiquidSnake Dyslexic motherfucker, fix your broken English or I'll break your fucking face. --- Listen, you sick fuck, I hope you drop off the face of the fucking earth. For one, I am certainly not fat, and if you honestly think I am, then you're most likely the cause for most eating disorders in this country. Secondly, I think a lot more people were enjoying themselves during the few hours of the morning and afternoon that we were there, not because we were shaking our "ugly" asses, but because they didn't have to be all uptight and shit. We had people dancing with us and asking us to dance for their song, and an Otakon staff member even thanked us for getting the crowd a little more cheerful. You're an egotisical bastard, so stop speaking for the vast majority and keep to your own fucking self. Fuck you, fuck your friends, and fuck this site. The Otakon girl returns, and with a vengeance. She seems fairly angry that she's fat. --- No seriously, you're fat. Don't kid yourself. LiquidSnake Hey fatass, why are you still posting on this site? You clearly hate us, so why not just let us have our fun at your expense? "Not fat"?? Perhaps you need to consider an eating disorder. How about anorexia? Your lack of talent will get you nowhere and your looks just aren't helping. "Egotistical"??? Just shut the fuck up, you conceited little bitch... your posts are getting harder and harder to bear. Post again and I can promise you a folding chair to the face. --- If you really feel the urge to hit me in the face with a folding chair, feel free. This will be my last post on your sad website, I guarantee it. You are a sick bastard that extracts pleasure from other's misery. You are a creep, a dick, and a fucker for our generation. I congratulate you on your pure ability to suck balls. You sick mother fucker, I hope you pay for what you do to others, becuase not everyone is willing to put up with your shit. How dare you tell me how to live my life?? You act like you're so fucking brave by hiding behind your dumbass website, safe from the pain and anger of others over the internet. Well, fuck you. Fuck you, you coward. I hope everyone who has ever loved you for the facade you put on for them realizes who you really are, a sick fuck. Me and my friend, the "ugly retarded dancing bitches", are personally having a great time being friends and not putting up with dirt like you. People like you deserve to be booted in the balls many times. So go back to your mommy and whine about what the evil ugly bitch said to you, and let her tell you that you need to grow up, because I'm not wasting any more of my precious time on a hopeless case like you. Fat Otakon Girl (FOG) strikes yet again. FOG is a unique case because not only have we actually seen her, and thus have a basis for our comments, she has obviously taken it all very personally and has attempted, three times to date, to convince us we're evil assholes for thinking she is fat and ugly. As a result, her posts merit more attention than the average "your website sucks and you're not funny" comment. Here are some observations.
--- Evil ugly bitch, you're right, I AM "safe from the pain and anger of others over the internet". However, if you are implying that I am unable to deal with you motherfuckers face to face, you are horribly wrong. A single clenched fist will send you fucking morons straight to hell. You will not pass GO; you'll never fucking win. Still fail to realize what you're up against? Try me. Tempest --- YOU WUB ME!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU PLATTY! COME AWAY WITH ME TO A FARAWAY LAND WHERE WE CAN SUCK EACH OTHER'S POLISH SAUSAGES!! HONK-A-HONKA-HONK! What the... hell? --- i love this site, its so funny and cool and stuff. you guys rock to no end. i hope you all die, fuck balls. This one clearly didn't take much effort. --- God... I dont know how in the hell I got to this website but I just stumbled upon what they said about Otakon 2003 and I have to say this: I hope no one takes these people seriously. 99.5% of what they said about the Otakon is false minus the "kick ass" dealers room (and the AMV rooms). I suggest anyone who has wanted to go to the Otakon should, It is VERY diverse and has GREAT stuff to buy and get for free, blah blah blah. (I'm not white nor fat nor male by the way) If you get the chance, go. It's up to you if you want to cosplay, but if you do, your costume better look damn near devine to get any respect and admiration from the wonderful people who have to look at you. USA Usually, when people start off letters with criticisms or accuse us of being incorrect in some way, they go on to actually explain what they disagree with. USA breaks the mold by reinforcing several of our positions. --- First off all most of the people are fat white and pimply. Secondly, we already said the rest of your post in our articles. It was a valiant effort at attempting to take us down but too bad you're too stupid. LiquidSnake --- To whoever posted the message about cosplaying: Dressing yourself like a fucking cartoon character is flagrantly gay. Anyone seeking the admiration of someone dressed like Vash the fucking Stampede should immediately shoot themself. Several times. Yea, damn right, DIE YOU COSPLAYERS!! Not to mention the fact that Vash isn't fat ugly and pimply. LiquidSnake Cosplayer bashing. --- Tempest, lets hook up and make Tempest babies!! Hey fuck face, let's not. Besides, who needs to make babies when you got casual sex? So wtf am I gonna do with the baby on the way?! The hell do I know? Get out a wire coat hanger? What makes you think I really give a fuck anyway? POPO, you're posts would be appreciated if you were in fact a hot girl. The fact of the matter is you're probobly that fat Vash cosplayer previously described. I think I saw a really really fat Wolfwood this year. He may have the girth that you desire. Don't bother posting again cause any subsequent posts will be deleted. LiquidSnake I am actually too lazy to delete any subsequent posts that may show up. --- Gee Wiz guys! That was very ruuuuude to Popo. Please be more nice so we can all be friends and have fun fun fun! I am actually too lazy to delete any subsequent posts that may show up. --- I don't like your site. Why? Because you're a (hetero-)sexist, idiotic bastard. Also, I hope that you live a life of celibacy and pain until you die a slow death after descent into utter apathy. Okay? Okay! ^___^ Another poster mistakenly believes the site is run by a single person. --- Also, I'm a cosplayer. I have visible cleavage and detectible brains. You, my dears, have neither. Thus, darlings, fuck off. The previous poster realizes there is more than one person working on this site. --- Let me also add that despite your obvious homophobia, there is a canonically homosexual relationship between Shinji and Kaworu in Evangelion. Gee, guess you must have skipped that part. "Canonically" implies there is factual evidence that indicates Shinji and Kaworu had a homosexual relationship. In reality, this is sheer speculation; granted, they seemed extremely close, but one also has to take into account that right before the "part" in question, Shinji had lost every single friend he had; one was mutilated by his own hand, one was driven catatonic, one died saving him, and all the others had gotten the hell out of Tokyo-3. Anyone in that kind of lonely, traumatic situation would immediately bond with a friendly face of his own age. Not to mention the fact that Shinji jacks off to Asuka's breasts. That's pretty heterosexual right there. ALSO, and this applies to all flamers, posting multiple times in what appears to be a short time period severely undermines any claims you make that you are more intelligent than we are, or are in some way superior. In fact, it shows us that we have had a significant impact on you, and that you are desperate to demonstrate your contempt for us; in other words, we win. Go us. --- 3 words...Read the Bible. Our site becomes the target of an evangelist. --- Apparently we lost a months worth of guestbook posts. Sucks for you guys that make it your life. Continue to support Evasource, thanks. LiquidSnake At some point, a server error caused the size of our guestbook to be limited to 0 kb; that is, nothing. Coupled with the lack of a backup, this resulted in the loss of several weeks' worth of posts, although the majority of these can still be found in this guide. --- When the fuck are you guys gonna update the site? C'mon, I need more shit to read. Update now or I'll fuck your ears. Twice. A fan becomes deranged by our extended absence. --- Fuck that
USA I'm not sure what this poster is referring to. --- Hello I enjoyed your site. I also enjoy being face-fucked by a rough hairy cock. Er... --- Update your fucking site! --- YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK IM GONNA KILL YOU FUCKERS, YOUR MOTHER SUCKS COCKS IN HELL ASS WANG SO FUCK YUOR DEAD MOTHER ASSWIPE BEFORE I FUCK YOUR ASS TO YOU BLEED YOU LITTLE BASTARD Strangely enough, the post (correctly) initially refers to multiple individuals, then suddenly focuses on one. --- I love anime!! We have some naughty stuff on the site.. but its been censored.. sighs http://www.eroticphonegirls.com Phone sex ads become increasingly relevant. --- Hey! I just finished watching FLCL, and now I'm jacking off to Haruko in that scene when that guy was giving her a chin massage and she was making orgasm sounds. God I love anime. Michael Michael demonstrates his above average love for anime. --- Wow... stumbled across this looking on the internet. Imagine that O_o Apparently I have a fairly large section dedicated to me in the "flames" section. Don't I feel special ^_^ Okay, I'm not going to yell at you all like a crazed hyena this time. I'd like to set a few things straight. Did you see two girls? Two? Yes, me and my friend were both dancing at Otakon, and it seems you have melded us into one incredibly ugly, insecure bitch... Secondly, I have never been insecure about my looks. I just don't like being cruelly insulted for no particular reason at all. I don't deny that your site is incredibly popluar, and I'm glad I could keep you all amused for a while. Please don't try and defend yourself by saying you could take me. This is the internet, after all, and you not only have no way of finding me, but there's a little thing called "Assault and Battery"... looks like I'm not the one with insecurity issues. Good day sirs and/or ma'ams, enjoy your stupid fame. In all seriousness, before this post, we never even considered the possibility that our site was popular. --- While we may not be able to physically assault you, it doesn't invalidate the fact that you're fat. LiquidSnake Correction, I am fully capable of physically assaulting you and may do so if the opportunity ever arises. Go kill yourself. --- I was reading through the guestbook flames article, but had to stop about a tenth of the way down the page. Some of you people are so stupid I want to jam my face into a blender just to be rid of you. If you're flaming Evasource, shut up. Chances are you're a moron and have nothing comprehensible, let alone valid, to say due to a complete lack of sentient thought. "i bet u suk dik LOL omg fagz ur site sux" Seems to be about the average. An awfully witty implication about cocks (a seemingly universal trend among internet flamers) with poor grammar and worse spelling. This is a great insult until you realize how irrelevant, meaningless, and entirely unjustified it is. Not to mention that in the process of trying to make others look bad, you signified to everyone that your thoughts, opinions, Hell, your entire life will amount to nothing. The only logical explanation I can possibly concieve is that either: A) You're recovering from a brain tumor removal B) The tumor is still there C) You're one of the "anime club" people that were insulted. The general intellect and behaviour are too similar. Hey guy with the huge paragraph down there. Though we appreciate your help in defending us, it's our job to sound like smartasses and use big words. LiquidSnake Thanks for not making another pansy-ass anime site. I swear, if I see another pastel layout, I'm gonna hurl. And thanks for the story summaries, too many people think that you need to have a shot by shot breakdown of each episode, or try to interject some lame wannabe psycological interpretation (which they are SO unqualified to do) because all they did was copy the mini-summaries on the back of the damn dvd/video. Plus, this site's high-larious. So yeah, thanks for the time & effort & shit. PS: As stated in your character profiles, Celes probably COULD kick Eve's ass, but please do not blame Women for the major metaphorical fuck-up, as any truly honest Christian (lol, oxymoron, I know) or student of history could tell you, that whole bit about the apple was added to the bible WAY later and isn't actually valid; SOME people claim that the first sin was ADAM lying & trying to tattle to God on Eve when he ate the apple too; last, you must admit Ceres IS a bit of a marshmellow, comparatively, and she is whipped, so her ass would get creamed by Lilith (Adams 1st wife) Sorry for the theological history lesson, but hey, that's why I want to be a teacher - coz my ass can't shut up & stop informing ;P Peace Thanks for the compliments, but while we don't give bullshit psychological interpretations of our characters, we don't need you giving us a similar bullshit psychological and or historical interpretation of our site seeing as how your probobly SO unqualified to do it. LiquidSnake It wasn't psychological, or an interpretation. Just a few facts (to correct the bible rants in the Hellsing pages), which I guess I am as qualified as some to share since I can use contractions. You're welcome for the compliements - much deserved. I'm not quite sure how that makes you qualified to discuss Celes, Eve, or any problems you have with the views expressed by this site. I do, however, have a task of grave importance for you. Go forth and save the internet from destroying the grammar of the English language, because YOU'RE oh SO qualified to do so. Someone has to fight the endless fight and your devotion goes far and beyond any normal wannabe teacher. LiquidSnake I'll pass on the "Grammar Wars" if it's ok with you. After all, even 13 year olds with cheesy sites know how to proofread their text; too bad they aren't entertaining smart asses. Extreme Financial & Psychological Addictions Exxotica Included only because there is something funny about a porn ad referring to "psychological addictions" interrupting a guestbook flame war. Funny, you were thanking us for making a great site 2 posts ago. Unlike you, however, we didn't like you from the get go. If it pleases you enough to pretend that you think our site is cheesy just to look big in an online guestbook, knock yourself out. LiquidSnake "wanna-be witty remarks". P.S. I wish y'all didn't like me a little bit more, maybe then some of your comebacks would be hilarious rather than just worth a nefarious giggle on my part. PPS: So I look big, huh? Maybe when you're "legal" I can bring out the big guns and show y'all what's up; but don't worry, maybe you'll have another retarded GB signer that you can rant on and feel "BIG" about before then ;) And by the way, you're boring me - too bad you can't take a compliement + knowledge, coz now I have to continue my search through the internet to find intellegently funny adult content re: anime. Buh-Bye! Now don't put your whole lil' group effort down, that comment wasn't towards your site. Wait...you're not 13...are you? Oops, sorry. I think this site is a fuckin' riot; I was just pointing out that YOU didn't bother to check your own posts, AKA wow, I got cut off on a burn, you might wanna fix that, or quit enticing rambling bitches to retort. ;) Hey, idiots like you that like to ramble are what keep the guestbook entertaining. Keep replying to me and fuel our site with more content. Either way we win no matter how awesome you think you are at flaming and using big words. LiquidSnake Our guestbook's longest flame war to date. Oddly enough, it involves someone who complimented the site. In addition, the "cut off" to which the fan refers has been fixed, so it won't be found in the guestbook. --- youre right..nobody made me come here..i lasted about 1.5 minutes. your site sucks. idiot. and fuck you too. It's touching to know someone cares about this site to the extent of monitoring how much time they spend on it. --- lame bfire Possibly the most innovative phonesex ad ever. --- Wow, and I thought that I had seen the worst a teenager could spew out. How about you work on some acuall "content" rather than the garbage you have right now? Way to waste money on a domain name genious. Let me guess, you are in school for a Business major aren't you? Anyhow, to quote a great man, Congratulations! You're mediocre! Cthulhu On the surface, Cthulu's post seems like a generic flame. However, it brings up several important points that will help all prospective flamers in the event that they (incorrectly) decide people actually care about their opinions.
--- A most... 'Unique' website, but I must point out a numer of things regarding the Hellsing site, if you please: 1: 'Paladin' is a term that refers to religious warrior knights, particulary during the Crusades. One in particular, Ogier the Dane, saved the Holy Roman Empire from Muslim invaders and barbarian hoardes from numerous invaders. Hardly pansies, I'm sorry to say. Anderson is basically the definition of the concept of a paladin: A holy warrior who kills those who oppose the church. He just happens to be an evil, insane wacko. 2: Regarding Alexander Anderson: In particular, the comment that "even Jesus couldn't do that". Now, I freely admit I'm a Christian, and as such I think I can safely testify to the FACT that Jesus didn't cast 'Bible spells' because He didn't NEED to. A single word, and he cast demons out of people, back to Hell or somewhere else. Anderson can't do that-All he can do is contain a demon and dispose of the host of the demon, killing the person (which, I might add, Jesus did NOT do-Killing people possessed by demons). Also, Jesus was only harmed when HE wished to be. Not to mention the whole issue of him being the most powerful being in the Universe and all. And one who CARES about humanity... 3: The Virgin Mary was NOT a whore, despite your little blood-soaked fantasies. She bore Jesus, thus bringing the Light of God into the world. She's protrayed in those paintings because of sick little bastards with no respect for faith. 4: Hellsing is fiction, cool as it is. The Bible is not. Go figure. 5: "She could kick Eve's ass and is a ton more subservient. I mean for godsake Eve basically fucked up the entire human race just to eat some god forsaken apple. You better fucking bet Celes would shoot the shit out of that cunt rag. " Um, the comparision between Celes and Eve is illogical, because aside from them both being women, they have nothing in common. Comparing a vampiress from the 21st century who kills evil demons and protects Britain, to the so-called mother of humanity (who, if Genesis was to be taken literally (which it's not supposed to be, but oh well) who was only a few days old and thus not very bright, is just really pathetic. 6: Noah's ARK?! Where in HELL did that come from? What sense does that make? None. Finally: You are, of course, entitled to your opinions, but please, try to read up on what you're bashing? Otherwise, you just come off sounding like a pack of idiots. Forgot my info. Sorry. <As hard as I might try, I cannot comprehend what it must be like to have a mindset that would take our site this seriously. --- I want back the 2 minuets of my perverted life I sacrificed to read that biblical narrative. Nobody gives a shit about paladins or jesus or virgin whores. The guys just used those comparisons to show how badass awesome the hellsing characters are. You don't have to take everything so damn seriously. Take you dick out of the bible for one minuet and stop being such a damn pussy. Better yet, just kill yourself. Nobody likes you, not even jesus. To that kid with the huge paragraph full of bullshit down there: Do you honestly think we're gonna read all that? I have better things to do.. like bashing Biblical characters. LiquidSnake Responses to the above post. --- To the LiquidSnake (my, what I becoming name), and the person who wrote after me, whose name I don't particulary care about: Greetings. Naturally, no one has to read what I write: I'm just expressing my views. It's called "freedom of speech", boys and girls. And honestly, vulgar language in an insult is really, just, well... What's the word I'm looking for... Pathetic? You could stand to develope your brains and your vocabularies, you inbred, liberal-brainwashed, idicoy spewing Hillary Clinton love slaves. Talon mistakenly believes he is somehow more intelligent than we are; however, numerous aspects of his posts strongly suggest otherwise.
--- To the shit eater below: Vulgar language kicks ass... yours that is. LiquidSnake Liquid's response. --- ![]() |
...don't you dare copy or fuck with our layout. god knows it's happened before.
copyright evasource 2005